Wednesday 27 June 2012

नेपाली राष्ट्रिय गीत (Nepali National Anthem)

 नेपाली राष्ट्रिय गीत (Nepali National Anthem)

''सयौं थुँगा फूलका '' - 2007 AD
लेखक : प्रदीप कुमार राई (ब्याकुल माईला )
संगीत : अम्बर गुरुङ

(All pictures in the video is my own painting. Hope you like it.)

म जुन राष्ट्रिय गीत गएर हुर्किएँ त्यो अहिलेको राष्ट्रिय गीतभन्दा  धेरै फरक छ / नेपालमा  पहिले राजतन्त्र थियो र राजको शासन चल्थ्यो तर अहिले प्रजातन्त्र छ / मलाई नयाँ नेपालको बारेमा धेरै कुराहरु थाहा छैन तर सकेसम्म बुझ्न कोशिशचाहिँ गर्छु /

सर्बप्रथम मैले सुरु गरें राष्ट्रिय गीतबाट / पछिल्लो केहि महिना देखि एक-एक शब्दहरू याद गर्दै गाउँछु , मलाई  त्यस्तो नागरिक हुनु छैन जसलाई आफ्नो देशको राष्ट्रिय गीतपनि गाउनु आउंदैन  / यहाँ एउटा video पेश गर्दैछु जसमा देश भक्तिले भरिपूर्ण भएर  मैले आफ्नै स्वोरमा गाउँदैछु / कृपया धैर्यसंग हेरिदिनुस है / :)

JustTalkative  लाई धन्यबाद दिन चाहन्छु जसले यो youtube को धून मलाई सापटी दिएर मलाई मेरो इच्छा पुरा गर्न सहयोग गर्नुभो / म कुनै गायिका होइन, न त मा चर्चित महिला नै हो तर सानो कोशिश गर्दै छु मन खोलेर आफ्नो देश नेपालको राष्ट्रिय गीत गाउन /

जय नेपाल !


''100s of flowers of garland '' - 2007 Ad
Lyrics : Pradeep Kumar Rai (Byakul Maila)
Music : Amber Gurung

I grew up singing national anthem which is completely different to what we have now. Nepal was previously a Kingdom now it is a Republic. I know very little about new Nepal but I'm trying to learn more about it.

First of all I start with our National Anthem. For the past few months I have been memorising National anthem word by word so that I won't be tagged along with those who can't sing their own country's national anthem. I present this video where I have put my patriotic heart to sing along in my own voice. Please watch it with patience.

I would like to thank JustTalkative for lending me the youtube music which helped me fulfill my mission. I'm neither a singer nor famous person but still trying my luck to sing my national anthem with open heart.

Long live Nepal !

Thank you.

Monday 18 June 2012

Lex Limbu - Number 1 Source: MLTR Releases Nepal Video

I am a regular viewer of my favourite blogget Lexlimbu. Here is a post that I want to share in my blog as well. MLTR is my favourite band of our time and really liked it when they released a vidoe of Nepal. Thanks to them and I hope Lex won't mind me reblogging this post.

Lex Limbu - Number 1 Source: MLTR Releases Nepal Video: FRESHLY RELEASED! When Michael Learns To Rock was in Nepal in November 2011 for a concert organised by ODC Network, the band also ...

Saturday 16 June 2012

My restless mind

'' It is silent evening of June in London. Seems like this streetlights have given enough lights for moon to be angry and hide. In this quite room there is only me and this laptop or might be some ghost roaming around. Mind you I heard that every house in London is hunted. My small nose is supporting this pair of glasses which has become my helping eyes more than a decade. Throat little bit soar, hair is all over my shoulder and yet I try to figure out what interesting thing I can write about in my blog.

I pretend that I have a time machine and I am taking you back to past. I have not found time machine for future yet. 

This was way back in late 80's in Brunei. It is a vivid memory that someone stood up help me long time ago. I never knew what was bullying at a age as young as 6 or 7. This senior sister in my school was being a little mean to me and was telling me to do tasks at school. I don't know why she was like that but as usual I quickly refused and rebelled and I got in trouble. She got angry and started telling me off.  I keep laughing when I remember that situation, I was so angry and but was still holding my temper and standing infront of her. May be I was thinking whether rebelling was good thing or not but certainly I was thinking of fighting with her. I have always been a tomboyish girl. I am not trying to say that she was a bad person or she did wrong, may be she had her reasons to do it. Suddenly out of nowhere this senior brother came and stood up for me. I don't remember his face, I don't remember his name but I do always remember the favour he did for me. I am always grateful to him. I felt like I am not always wrong in things that I do. Later on things were smooth and I often used to see him in school and did respect him a lot. Then our family moved back to Nepal. After nearly 20 years later I saw the sister who tried to give me hard time, there is no hard feelings but still I haven't forgotten her face. May be she has already forgotten what she did but I never did. May be we just accept the fact and move on rather than stuck in one situation.

The morale is that 'Do not be afraid to stand up for your rights.' No matter how hard we try we never actually forget bad memories but we have to cherish our present as well. Forgiveness is a vast word but we do have to try it on us.

I opened my eyes after few minutes of nap, laptop still in my lap and head titled on sofa's lap. It's almost morning and my sleep has gone on vacation. The stomach feels empty and growling, the sound from laptop fan, wall clock, typing letters and even my heartbeat is bigger than ever. Now I have to leave for my most favourite place, the comfort of my cosy bed. The story is continues. ''

googled image
I keep wondering and my mind is always restless. It's not that I am unhappy, just that I keep thinking. I keep thinking of doing something different all the time. I am not trying to prove anything to anybody or show how different I am. I feel refreshed and reborn all over again when I do something new.

 One day I saw a brief description of a book in a magazine about a lady in her seventies writing about her life experiences. So, for couple of weeks I have been thinking of writing a book or a novel or a short story of some experience of my life and not share it with anyone haha.Yet again I wonder if I have the capability to do it or not. Do I have that vocabulary knowledge to impress myself? I don't even have the guts to show it to anyone. Is it a secret which is buried inside me or I am just making everyone curious? Everyone has some secret inside them. Well, I am making everyone curious now. Laughing with myself. 

We live in this world which seems same everyday but it is changing day by day. I feel like I am living same life for past few years but no things are changing around me. I am older than what I was and I have become same person with slightly different priorities. 

I do wish to write a book about my experiences and publish it. It is just a mere thought. Thanks for reading. 

Now where do I start my story????

Saturday 9 June 2012



खाए खा नखाए घिच,
जहिलेपनि झगडा र किच-किच /

नाच्न नजान्ने आँगन टेड़ो ,
जसको गल्ति भए नि आफुनै सोझो /

गुन्द्रुक पकाउनु पर्दैन , मलाई फकाउनु पर्दैन,
मेरो दिमाग खराब गरेर मस्का लाउनु  पर्दैन /

नाखाउ भने दिन भरिको शिकार, नाखऊँ  भने साइला बाउको अनुहार,
घुर्की देखाउने चै जहिले नि तम्तयार /

लाह्सामा सुन छ कान मेरो बुज्झै ,
मलाई  जे मन पर्ने तलाई चाहिने त्यही किन खै /

लोभीको भाँडो कुभिन्डो , फर्सी होइन उभिण्डो
मेरो क्रोधमा तेल नथप नत्र पाउलास तालुमा टुटुल्को/

भए पनि नहूने , नभए नि नहुने ,
दिदि-बहिनि भन्ने कुरा जति रिस उठे पनि छुट्टीन नसकिने /

जस्तालाई त्यस्तै , ढिंडॉलाई नेस्तै ,
हे भगवान् यो दिदि-बहिनि भन्ने कुरा किन जहिले नि येस्तै //

A simple english translation. The first line of each sentences are typical Nepalese old phrases. They hold a different yet meaningful significance.

Eat or else force it down,
Always fights and not getting along.

One who can't dance says stage is slanting,
Whoever's fault it is, no one is accepting.

No need to cook Gundruk (Nepalese dried vegetables), no need to console me,
After putting my brain through trauma you need not be sweet on me.

Neither I can eat whole day's hunting nor I can ignore my uncle's hungry face,
Showing attitude is always on the surface.

Lahsa (Capital of Tibet) has gold but I don't have earrings on me,
Whatever I like is what you always want which irritates me.

Greedy person's vessel is rotten and upside down, 
Don't aggravate me or else you'll forget how to count.

You can neither live with nor leave,
Though you are mad at it, sisterhood is what you cannot quit.

Tit for tat, 
Hey Lord why sisterhood is suppose to be like that.

Still life is incomplete without sisters. They are not only your friends, they are the kind of people who will take your absurd behaviours, defend you, love and care about you and not even show it to you.

Sisters by luck; enemies by nature; friends by choice.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Go higher !!

Hear I am again blabbering about how amazing my bank holiday weekend went. I went to my dream destination in UK, i.e. Lake District. I have only dreamt of that place but never actually get to go there till now. While I was climbing Mount Snowdon, Wales last year I never thought in my dream that I could make it to Scafell Pike, England so soon. Now I might as well complete the 'Three Peak Challenge' by climbing Mount Ben Navis, Scotland. But that will have to wait.

It's shame to say really this is the first time ever I went for camping and it was fun. Life was too busy for me to think about Holidays as such. We spent 2 nights in a valley of Lake District in a riverside away from modern technologies. We also roam around Lake Windermere and other lakes of Lake District. Lake District is natural, lovely place and well preserved. In Nepal we have place similar to this .... Pokhara ('Pokhari' means pond), where there are also many lakes and rivers. I've been there only once and hope to be there again someday.

Go higher !!! Was the theme in my mind. It was not easy for me as well to climb, I have gained weight in past few months and felt like my body was pulled by my head,,ha ha seriously. At one stage I even thought how am I gonna do it, but determination is what we need and bit of Lucozade helped as well. We took a difficult way up,, it was steep and there were loose soils. After we got to the summit we saw many other climbers as well celebrating their victory. It suddenly got really foggy and windy. But I was glad I made it there. I quickly took a photo of me with a t-shirt written 'Kathmandu, Nepal', to be honest that was my dream to do it. Yet again I have fulfilled my another dream. I would climb it again if I had to do it for charity or any other good cause. All I had in mind while climbing was Mount Everest (Sagarmatha), Nepal is 8,848 meters high, which is like 8 times or more higher than what I was climbing. I really gave salute to those who have been to to top of the world.

My dream destinations are uncountable. Hopefully I should be able to visit more places before anything in my life would change.

I' m a dreamer, I'm a believer !!


Dear Readers, It has been really a long time since I wrote something on this blog but still thank you for staying. A lot of things happened ...