Friday 2 December 2011

Talking about somebody : Praising or back-biting

We always find someone and something to talk about. I realised most of the time we talk about other people. If not friends or family we talk about celebrities, if not celebrities we talk about politicians, if not politicians we talk about anything like authors, criminals, etc. Either way seems like we talk about somebody.

 In schools and universities, we talk about those great theories and theorems that the great scientist and people invented. We talk about their life story as well like William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein and many more. In national news they talk about people and politicians and celebrities. I think newsreaders are talking about people in a formal way acceptable by the society. In radio, we still hear RJs talking about things like which people did what and interview of some person. It's all about talking about somebody in the end. You see newspapers full of news of somebody did this and somebody did that. Full of story of people and their deeds. Gossip magazines are the worst ones. Let's say we read a novel , there you go , it's either written about somebody or written for somebody. Everywhere around people talk about each other and it's a human nature.

 Getting back to the topic, what I am trying to say is,' Is talking about somebody is gossipping or back-biting or just simply talking about them'. If we talk good about them then it's praising and if we talk bit sarcastic and bad about them then it's bitching or back-biting about them. Come on whether we talk good or bad we do talk about them. The other day I was talking to a highly qualified member of society as in medical field. We started having conversation and we talked about few things. Suddenly I realised we were talking about somebody who was good in his profession and this and that. I felt like is this back-biting or appraisal, you know ! And I was annoyed with the amount of mess some people made on the floor of my workplace and words did come out from my own mouth. I was simply talking about them in not a good way. This isn't back-biting, is it? :P Even the most respected person also talks about other person : like PM David Cameron talks about Deputy PM Nick Clegg and Ex-PM Gordon Brown in National Election. Sometimes when we talk to people about other people we do not realised whether we are praising them or criticising them or back-biting about them or even making fun of them in a good or bad way! All we did was talk about them and remembered them, made their name topic of the day and probably made them famous. Thinking positive.

 I think we labelling those things we talk about as praising or back-biting is really complicated. I would be surprised if those people who talk about me do not gossip about me at some stage. So, I am taking it easy and accepting appraisals as well as criticisms. Let me hear you out cause sometimes criticisms can also make you work harder and better.

 Hence, next time when you talk about some other people think twice, whether you are talking about them or gossipping about them. You will also see your self- reflection there of what kind of person you are. 

Was I talking about myself or bitching about things I like and don't like? Haha confuse state of mind yet I am convinced that I found my solution. I can't really stop talking.  Let's talk about each other than talking about others ; hang on a minute it might sounds self-centered and self-egoistic and self blah blah. People gets annoyed when you talk about your things like academic qualifications, possessions and what not. People are sometimes ridiculous to think stupid things.

 Thanks for reading. I hope to talk about more things and more people in my coming posts in blog. Sorry about that!!!!! Cheerio :) :D 


  1. i'll be talking about this post!!! if they talk about u behind ur back, its just that they are in good position to kiss ur ass.

    one more thing... separate the post into paragraphs... its easier to read that way!!!

  2. I did separate it but still comes out like this i'll try again. Thanks for your comment. :) Cheers



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