Monday 22 October 2012

हेर (see/look)

I'm blogging after sometime now. I've just been busy lately. Today I have a Nepali poem to present here. Hope you like it.

The title is '' हेर '' which means see or look.


निलो आकाशमा हेर,
बादलहरुका आक्रितिमात्र देख्छौ  तिमीले,

बिशाल समुन्द्रमा हेर,
छालहरुका चक्रभयू  मात्र देख्छौ  तिमीले,

उच्च हिमशिखरहरुमा हेर,
बरफका बुट्टाहरुमात्र देख्छौ तिमीले,

मेरो आखामा हेर,
बेदनाहरुका भण्डारमात्र पाउँछौ तिमीले,

मेरो नजिक आई हेर,
चिसोपनका हुरीबतासमात्र महसुस गर्छौ तिमीले,

मलाई अंगाली हेर,
निर्जीव बस्तुहरुका पुत्लामात्र पाउछौ तिमीले,

मेरो आत्मामा झाँकेर हेर,
भौंतारिरहेका  भावनाहरुका संगालोमात्र समेट्छौ तिमीले,

तर , तर मेरो मुहारमा हेर,
प्रबल हाँसोहरुका सृंगारमात्र देख्छु तिमीले //

I just wrote this poem cause it just strike my mind. Somewhere there might someone feeling down and thinking of same thing which is mentioned in this poem but HEY  people, life is to enjoy. Smile and the whole world will smile back at you. Imagine world full of smiles.

Hope all my readers would bare with me for not blogging too often. Live blissfully everyone.



  1. really gud,u have many talents yarr,i salute to ur talents..grate job,,carry on

    1. hey Arjun, thanks for saying that. I salute you for reading my blog. cheers

  2. wah wah kati ramro , Love it ,

    m ravi from instagram, hope u know me:P



Dear Readers, It has been really a long time since I wrote something on this blog but still thank you for staying. A lot of things happened ...