ितमीले आ गर्दा बुझ्थें मैले अलङ्कार
तर िनस्कीयौ ितमी कुलङ्गार ।
ितमीलाई सोच्थें ंमैले श्र्ीखण्ड
तर िनस्कीयौ ितमी खूर्पाको िबंड ।
ितम्र्ो माया लाग्थ्यो हुनो िवरूवाको िचल्लो पात
तर िनस्कीयौ ितमी त फुस्र्ो पात
ितमीले नजाने ठाउँको बाटो नसोध्नु भन्थ्यौ
तर िनस्कीयौ ितमी खोजी नयाँ बाटो अर्कै ।
ितम्रो िसङ् नभएपिन ितखे भन्नु मन पर्थ्यो
तर िनस्कीयौ ितमी साँडे गोरू बेकारको ।
ितमी त आयुको छोरा झैं ंिनडर लाग्थ्यो
तर िनस्कयौ वायुको कमारा िरस उड्थ्यो ।
ितमीलाई पाउँदा भदौमा आँखा फुटेको भैंसी झैं देख्थे सबै हरियो झार
तर िनस्कीयौ आिखर िशशीर यामको जाडोलो खाएको किस्ङ्गआर ॥
Live your life to fullest and have no regrets. Be happy inside out and spread your happiness to other people who seeks for it. Be happy :)
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
ितम्रो त्यो हेराइलो उब्जाउँथ्यो मनमा पागलपन
ितम्रो त्यो बोलाइले फक्राउँथ्यो आत्मामा लजालुपन
ितम्रो चोखो प्रेमको आशामा िथए हरपल
ितम्रो िनर्मल भावनाको सपना देख्थे पलपल
ितम्रो िपरतीमा सबै गर्न चाहन्थे अर्पन
ितम्रो ममताको सधैं गर्न चाहन्थे सम्बर्दन
ितम्रो भूललाई माफ िदन्थे हरदम
ितम्रो िपडालाई चाहन्थे गर्न उन्मूलन
ितम्रो झुटमा िकन गर्नु मैले समर्थन
ितम्रो नक्कली मायामा िकन गरूं म आफूलाई समर्पन
ितम्रो धोकाले िदयो मेरो ह्रदयलाई समवेदना
ितम्रो बेईमानीले राख्यो मेरो आत्म िवस्वालाई ज्वालामूखीमा
ितम्रो नयाँ िजवनलाई छ मेरो छड्के नमस्कार
ितम्रो नौ लो यात्रालाई छ मेरो कड्के बहीस्कार॥
यी दुई शव्द भन्दै आजकोलािग िबदा माग्न चाहन्छु/
ितम्रो त्यो हेराइलो उब्जाउँथ्यो मनमा पागलपन
ितम्रो त्यो बोलाइले फक्राउँथ्यो आत्मामा लजालुपन
ितम्रो चोखो प्रेमको आशामा िथए हरपल
ितम्रो िनर्मल भावनाको सपना देख्थे पलपल
ितम्रो िपरतीमा सबै गर्न चाहन्थे अर्पन
ितम्रो ममताको सधैं गर्न चाहन्थे सम्बर्दन
ितम्रो भूललाई माफ िदन्थे हरदम
ितम्रो िपडालाई चाहन्थे गर्न उन्मूलन
ितम्रो झुटमा िकन गर्नु मैले समर्थन
ितम्रो नक्कली मायामा िकन गरूं म आफूलाई समर्पन
ितम्रो धोकाले िदयो मेरो ह्रदयलाई समवेदना
ितम्रो बेईमानीले राख्यो मेरो आत्म िवस्वालाई ज्वालामूखीमा
ितम्रो नयाँ िजवनलाई छ मेरो छड्के नमस्कार
ितम्रो नौ लो यात्रालाई छ मेरो कड्के बहीस्कार॥
यी दुई शव्द भन्दै आजकोलािग िबदा माग्न चाहन्छु/
Monday, 8 August 2011
Zero Hour Decisions
Greetings to you all!
Life has always been in a fast track mode for me. I always have to make decisions in a way where I don't get enough time to think. I have been lucky so far even after doing all those 'zero hour decisions'. At the moment its not really working out for me. Things have turned out to be completely messy and I can't figure out whats right and whats wrong; what to do and what not to do. If you want to do one thing correctly the other thing gets disturbed, the equilibrium is affected. I feel like a pendulan in between sadness and happiness. My happiness is inside that Pandorra box which is risky to open but too tempted to ignore. I might be starting a new phase of life soon and I have no idea how it'll treat me. There is feeling of anxiety stepping in and I find myslef in a position which I dread to face.
Hoping for a brighter day soon. All my twitter buddies gave me 'healing medicine of words' though they don't know the problems I'm facing. I'm truly thankful to them. I have seen little glipmse of hope but still a long way to go. Strophy said something like,'There is always clear skies and bright day after rain'. I really am grateful for all those lovely and soothing words and willing to help attitude by twitter friends whom I haven't even met. Love you all.
You guys ROCK. :)
Life has always been in a fast track mode for me. I always have to make decisions in a way where I don't get enough time to think. I have been lucky so far even after doing all those 'zero hour decisions'. At the moment its not really working out for me. Things have turned out to be completely messy and I can't figure out whats right and whats wrong; what to do and what not to do. If you want to do one thing correctly the other thing gets disturbed, the equilibrium is affected. I feel like a pendulan in between sadness and happiness. My happiness is inside that Pandorra box which is risky to open but too tempted to ignore. I might be starting a new phase of life soon and I have no idea how it'll treat me. There is feeling of anxiety stepping in and I find myslef in a position which I dread to face.
Hoping for a brighter day soon. All my twitter buddies gave me 'healing medicine of words' though they don't know the problems I'm facing. I'm truly thankful to them. I have seen little glipmse of hope but still a long way to go. Strophy said something like,'There is always clear skies and bright day after rain'. I really am grateful for all those lovely and soothing words and willing to help attitude by twitter friends whom I haven't even met. Love you all.
You guys ROCK. :)
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Wales visit Part II
Hello everybody,
My apologies for keeping you waiting this long to write the remaining part of the Wales visit. Well to be honest after we climbed Mount Snowdon, I thought there was not much thing left to do. But my friend had some other ideas in her mind. What a sweet friend of mine. After returning from our 4.10 minutes up and downhill and those winding narrow country roads we came home and had a lovely pasta made by my dear friend. We all fell asleep in couch watching TV. The whole day it was raining but as soon as we climbed down and reach home it stopped raining.
Day 4:
All of us woke up a bit late than usual. Our whole body was aching and we all had difficulty walking the same way as we did before. To our amazement weather was amazing, bright and sunny, no sign of rain at all. We headed to even furthur up towards Conwy Castle. It's a castle built in Conwy village. On the way there, I saw many small towns and the roads were so lovely. For one instant I felt like I was in some Hollywood movie and travelling along Texas, hahaha. Nearly 2 hours drive we reached our destination. That place was lovely, we went into the castle and here and there. Later on we took the last boat-trip to look precisely around that area. Most of the time I am not scared of water but that time I was a bit shaky, "Why?" because it was a flowing river which meets sea nearby. 'Estuary' or something its called. The boat was now near the point where I had extreme fear, it was trying to turn around when I saw waves forming. The waves were getting bigger and now the boat is trying to go in the opposite direction of river. Soon the boat turned around and headed towards the shore, ahh what a relief; don't laugh at me for saying this I actually had a quick nap of 7 or 8 minutes while it got to the shore haha.
We filled our empty stomach with variety of junk food of KFC and McD and headed towards home. We came to one point where we suddenly decided to go to Mount Snowdon again, to go to the summit by train. But sadly the train was already closed for that day.
Day 5:
The day was again bright and lots of sunshine. We already had a pre-plan to go shopping. Girls love shopping haha. It was a Britain's biggest outlet. We spent whole day browsing around the designer labels shops around there. Finally after 8 pm we decided to leave and return to our cottage. Well, without satnav we kind of got lost in those roads for sometime. As it got darker the roads became more scarier, I actually didn't like it. My friend who was driving said she felt like "playing video game", nice explanation. It was almost 11pm when we got back to our comfortable cottage. Funny thing is we all had some kind of fear in that cottage; not to mention that "Every house in UK has people buried or died during World War times". It's a saying and might be true to some extent. I had the lovely room in the attic and I couldn't go up if there are no lights, simply because of some non-sense thing in my mind. Still the body was aching and by now our heart was aching as well to spend all those money in shopping but I got what I wanted for sometime now, a pair of original Levi's jeans hahaha.
Day 6:
What a day to start with, sunny , bright and warm all day long was the weather forecast. We again headed back to South Wales to the Dinosaur Park, Brecon Beacon which we didn't completely enjoyed on our day 2 visit. This time we bought the tickets and went in there. I saw many dinosaurs of many types, sizes and colours. There were 3 caves of Dan-yr-Ogof to visit as well. First we went into a cave, we saw many limestone formed since ages ago well preserved. I used to watch this TV program in Nepal TV long time ago about exploring through caves. It helped me quite a lot, atleast I have knowledge of those limestones and other things there. We could hear the sound of waterfall inside the cave. It was a bit cold in there.
Then we went into another cave called Cathedral Cave, a bit bigger in size. I heard Beethoven's (i think so) music when we entered the cave (again this was world famous music I used to hear in Nepal TV as well in World music heritage Album). It was nice going through again many limestones and well preserved things. The music there made me really feel nice. Towards the end of the cave was a two waterfalls and it was so lovely. We had to pass the passage from there to go to the other end. The sound of the waterfall was amazing as well, then there I saw a small place. It was a place for people to get married, a mini cathedral where people actually get married. Awww it was awsome, I felt like if I had somebody I liked I would have married him there and then. Not a joke hahaha. To go to the third cave we had to put on helmets. When we finally went in there it was not big but they say there are real bones of 44 or something number of people who died there. Well this was the trip over there was over. We still had some time left so I thought why not go to Swansea. It's the city where beautiful actress Catherina Zeta Jones was born. We went there and went to seashore near Mumble heads. They had the outdoor gymnasium fitted there. After roaming for an hour we headed back to cottage. We saw Lake Llyn Brainne again. It was the end of our tour there and next day we had to leave for England. So, much food was still not eaten so we tried to finish as much as we can and pilling up weight.
Finally, our holiday was over and we had to come back home, come to reality, come to the life full of demands, come to the crowds and noises. I was kind of missing my bed though. We decided that whole Saturday should not be wasted so headed to Oxford instead of coming straight to London. We did go around sightseeing through car but we didn't bother to come out. One week was just gone so quickly and we had so much fun. We have managed to drive along the roads of unknown place even without the SatNav, yyaayyy. This is first time after a long time that I was so happy even after spending money and shopping and eating more than I expected and getting tired (real tired). I have learned that some things are better if you go and experience it yourself, that the nature is so vast and so beautiful. I would like to visit Snowdonia again if I get lucky.
Thank you for reading!

Llyn Brainne
Finally, our holiday was over and we had to come back home, come to reality, come to the life full of demands, come to the crowds and noises. I was kind of missing my bed though. We decided that whole Saturday should not be wasted so headed to Oxford instead of coming straight to London. We did go around sightseeing through car but we didn't bother to come out. One week was just gone so quickly and we had so much fun. We have managed to drive along the roads of unknown place even without the SatNav, yyaayyy. This is first time after a long time that I was so happy even after spending money and shopping and eating more than I expected and getting tired (real tired). I have learned that some things are better if you go and experience it yourself, that the nature is so vast and so beautiful. I would like to visit Snowdonia again if I get lucky.
Thank you for reading!
Cathedral inside the Cave |
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Shopping yay :) |
Conwy Castle |
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