"Risk taker is a honey maker"
The title itself explains the reason I am blogging today. Yesterday me and bunch of people, altogether 6 of us went and did something exciting, scary, healthy and may be I suppose little bit of adventure.
It was ordinary weekday but beautiful weather in London. Here we need to wait for weather to get better to enjoy summer. I was working only half day so I thought I should enjoy the rest of the day though I knew I had to be back at work in the morning. We set out to nearby place Richmond, Surrey. We've already been there before but still it's a place worth visiting again and again.
After some break at Teddington Lock, we had to come back to the place where we started our journey. Girls were saying 'let's take a bus ride back' but guys insisted walking. Finally we started walking at around 8.15 pm; they assured us that they can tackle with anything (little bit drunken state of mind). I knew deep inside that if anything goes wrong I'm gonna plunge into the freezing water of River Thames cause I can swim. Better to dive into river and die than die another way. (just a random thought).
It was dark but not pitch black. We didn't lite any light cause I didn't want to attract anything unusual just in case. I asked people to keep their voice lower so that we can hear if any danger lurking towards us. I didn't make effort to talk cause I was now fully alert. It's 3 miles walking back from the same route. In the daylight it seemed beautiful but at night the same place looked like a dark hole with only one way out. except one drunk guy, we didn't see any other person all the way back. At one particular place there was a beautiful Victorian house. It looked like it was abandoned. One brother was saying it's a ghost house. We were all laughing. But on the way back we tried to take a picture of that place our so called Nikon digital advance camera with extra lens couldn't catch it. May be it was dark and there wasn't any light in that house. We tried not to think of ghost stories. We avoided any discussion which included ghost stories. Apart from one place I didn't stop anywhere, not even for few seconds. We all stayed closed with each other. We stopped cause we had to hehe. We gave our contribution to nature,,, ' we pissed on the road nearby a bush'. We couldn't go to the bush cause it was too scary. All sorts of thoughts come into our mind. I suddenly became extra vigilant and my all senses were working fast. I just prayed in my heart to get to the starting point safely. I don't know why I remembered all my family all of a sudden as if I'm gonna die or something. I am a human being who thinks. I felt a smoke kind of warm thing passed through my cheek and smelt it as well. Only one brother felt it and no one else. But it definately wasn't just an illusion. Anyways I don't wanna discuss about that.
We took a risk walking all the way back from that quite deserted place (at night). It was scary, exciting, healthy, adventurous as well. As we say in Nepali, 'those who takes risk can enjoy honey'. (the infamous honey-hunters of Nepal who swings on the thin rope on the cliffs and ravine to collect honey). We somehow took some risk but enjoyed the every minute of it. It is definately one of the day we couldn't forget.
I still would like taking risk and feel excitement in it and hopefully luck favours me. Fingers crossed. :)