Tuesday 17 May 2011

The WH Questions !!!!

Just the thoughtless thoughts, speechless speech or may be wordless words!

If I think of what to write,
I think of what's on my mind.

If I think of why to smile,
I think of what's there to hide.

If I think of where to fly,
I think of what's there beyond this blue sky.

If I think of how to cry,
I think of which is the gland that gives tears supply.

If I think of who to desire,
I think of what's the point; there's always someone that they admire.

If I think of whom to despise,
I think of what the hell; life's too short for this.

If I think of when to die,
I think of what's the hurry; you still got fantastic life!!!!

Thanks for reading!! :)


  1. Hahaha...this is actually good. To get better adjective than ''good'', keep 'em coming. Writing poem is something I like to do but also realise that it's something I can't even try. :))

  2. HEHE 'good' is enough for me from so called Hitler or Simon Cowell of critisisms. thanks ;)



Dear Readers, It has been really a long time since I wrote something on this blog but still thank you for staying. A lot of things happened ...